I'm sure you'll love it :D
Posted by Joanne Lim at 6:40 PM 0 comments
Just received an email from my friend. I would like to thank you Jun Shean for sharing with me such beautiful photos :D As a penangite, I'm really proud of my hometown. Penang has it all, beautiful beaches, fantastic food and magnificent heritage sites.
Here are some pictures of Penang city light.
It feels so good to live in Gurney Drive. Beautiful high class condominiums are built along the road, and the most important thing is, the ultimate SEA VIEW! and not forgetting, the hawker center located just a few distance away from Gurney Plaza, it's just like a mini food heaven, woot~ I love being a PENANGITE! =)
Posted by Joanne Lim at 8:21 PM 0 comments
This week is supposed to be a busy week, as all the tests are coming up. Biology Chemistry PHYSICS Addmaths and so on.. WTH! But, Joanne this fellow, she doesn't seem tensed up. Some said form 4 life is a honeymoon year, just enjoy it as much as you can; some said form 4 life is a nightmare, you cannot let your studies fall behind or else you're gonna die in SPM. Oh really? Alright, my study attitude will never change, I will only complete the homework that I think is important like science and maths. the rest? Just borrow and copy :D Honestly, I prefer to live in gaiety without forcing myself to open up the books and read. Is it good or bad?
So, why bother? :D drama comes first! I'm strongly addicted to a drama | Fated to love you |, it's HELL awesome and it makes me cry. Some scenes really touch me to the depths of my soul, oh I love it! Here is the synopsis of the drama:
A really unfashionable working class girl Chen Xin Yi has the desire to tie down her handsome boyfriend to be with her. Due to certain reasons, her boyfriend gets her to go on a love cruise and she started to ponder on how to lose her virginity and tie down her boyfriend. Xin Yi ended up taking cold medicine which made her drowsy and went into Ji Cun Xi's room. Cun Xi is the sole male heir to his family's company and has been in love with his girlfriend, Anna, for a long time. He planned to propose to Anna on the boat but she didn't turn up on the cruise. An island owner added drugs into Cun Xi's drink and Cun Xi became disorientated and returned to his own room. Xin Yi and Cun Xi end up having a one night stand. Xin Yi later finds out that she's pregnant and Cun Xi's grandmother forces them to get married.
Posted by Joanne Lim at 2:14 PM 2 comments
Foooyuh :D As you can see in the second column which is MY PROFILE, I'm Joanne. I guess a simple description about myself is necessary. Again, I'm Joanne, obviously the owner of this space :D I like to blog cause I know sometimes it's hard to voice out my crazy thoughts to my friends cause to a normal person, I'm psycho; to me, normal people are just boring so it's actually good to be abnormal. I'm emotional, there's no remedy for it so I enjoy being emotional. Whenever I feel like screaming out loud, you'd better run for your life cause it's scary to stay by my side. BOOOOOO~ It's definitely good to be different, people will only concern about you if you come up with something really different, like me :D I'm kinda unique with crazy personalities, though Joanne is a common name. Indeed I'm suspicious. This is what my friend told me months ago: Scientists predict that in the coming August, some kind of natural disaster is going to happen throughout the world. WTH, hopefully it aint true. In case you don't know today's date, check your calendar, it's 29th July! Shit, I guess I'm oversensitive =/
Neeway, thanks for reading my very first crap and I guess there will be a lot more posts coming up soon. And to all the SPM and PMR candidates, all the best in upcoming trials, take it easy and everything will be ok, JIAyou :D
Good night everyone. Cannot sleep? Need some lullaby? xD
Posted by Joanne Lim at 10:52 PM 0 comments
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