Just received the pictures taken during our Board's farewell partay, a simple yet fun event. Went to school early in the morning to prepare the gifts for all our seniors. The event started with a short speech giving ceremony. Honestly I didn't pay much attention on the speech as I was really hungry, all my close friends know my pattern very well! :)We have gaps. So seniors didn't really talk to the juniors throughout the whole farewell partay. All we cared was food, and of course, camera!
The majority was taking photos, so I joined them too. It was fun to fool around without noticing that the crowd was actually looking at my foolish acts x)
(Blurred effect) She's Wan Theng, my beloved senior. Our super dooper yeng commander! Seriously I am proud to be your assistant. Farewell my friend!
Once the picture was taken, we quickly checked the picture whether if it's nice or not. That's exactly what we did. *what are you laughing at?* *see, your face!* @#$%^&@#$%# Ya, my face was a laughingstock.
Gave this cute doggy to my senior, Wantheng. I'm really gonna miss her a lot. Once the seniors graduate, a new batch of post holders will take over their jobs. I wonder what would it be? =/
Looked at the people around. Gotcha! She's Yu Hong, our deputy. A friendly person, I'd say. She's someone I could count on in the board. Thanks for everything! :)
Li Yin, Ying Xun and Lai Chin. Good pals of mine. They did silly things, joked cold jokes *chilly~* and crapped over silly topics. Never mind la, we are of the same type :) By the way, I thought of singing some songs for the seniors. But Lee Pin stopped me, as I might create unnecessary noise to pollute the surrounding.
Played with papaya. How old already? :) It was fun though. We didn't even bother about our image as a prefect, just enjoyed as much as we could. We tried to snatch the papaya cause it was the last piece, but finally...
Monday, September 29, 2008
Farewell partay of BOP
Posted by Joanne Lim at 5:00 PM 2 comments
Fish spa
I really couldn't endure boredom, so I decided to go to Queensbay with my little cousin to spend our lovely evening. After wandering a few rounds in the huge mall, we stopped in front of a shop, located on third floor. I can't really remember the shop's name. Actually It's all bout massaging. Alright, a small piece of advertisement attracted me. Oh, fish spa! Looked new to me, so I went in. I paid only 19 bucks for a complete fish spa.
It's a small pool. All you have to do is put your legs into the water, relax and feed the hungry fish with your dead skin.
Love the decorations in the shop. Once you put your legs into the water, you'll get a feeling like, it's really tickling and itchy. After awhile, your legs will definitely be surrounded by whole group of fish. 30 minutes of fish spa, costs 38 bucks for an adult. But if you're a student, the price is only 19 bucks. Children under 12 are absolutely free.
The fish is commonly called Doctor Fish. Doctor fish is the name given to two species of fish: Garra rufa and Cyprinion macrostomus. Other nicknames include nibble fish, kangal fish, and doctorfishen; in non-medical contexts, Garra rufa is called the reddish log sucker. They live and breed in the outdoor pools of some Turkish Spa where they feed on the skin of patients with psoriasis. The fish are like combfishes in that they only consume the affected and dead areas of the skin, leaving the healthy skin to grow, with the outdoor location of the treatment bringing beneficial effects.
Seriously, that time I was like 'OMFG what are they (the fish) going to do to me?' It was really tickling! Was like, lots of worms wriggled around my legs.
The quality of the pictures is really lousy. Seriously I cannot expect too much from a 2.0 megapixels camera phone >.<
Posted by Joanne Lim at 3:51 PM 9 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
you are the one who can judge yourself.
when I was super down
add maths chapter 9 is too hard for me
thanks buddy!
And I learned a lesson today
do not expect much from anyone
extravagant hopes
hurt me lots
Posted by Joanne Lim at 10:35 PM 2 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
We always say that Union girls are the most puak-gek one (impolite) among UHS PCGHS and HEHS girl guides. When we talk to each other it's like shouting, when we eat, we usually take a large scoop, as large as possible. It is proven. The following pictures are the proof. See the way they eat? :)
Campfire night plus celebration, not bad hor? x)
We carried out our wide games in the afternoon, which is also a part of our test. At first I thought it was gonna be another boring program as our outing plan was forced to cancel. But soon I discovered that the campers were actually enjoying themselves in the game, so did I.
Ok, back to the ice breaking session. That night was really a busy night. After having fun in the training room, we were asked to pitch our tents immediately. That time was around 12.30 am.
Posted by Joanne Lim at 11:41 PM 0 comments
来陪我吧 :))
今晚好像特别的强烈 哈哈哈
又不舍得 sign out
=/ 往往事与愿违
哦? 我想我有问题了
深入了解我到底在想什么了 :)
到海边看天看海看星星 嘿嘿
下一秒就冲出去 Esplanade 看海
:) 哈哈哈
然后 call 几个死党出来
去 mamak 档 zo siao :)
Posted by Joanne Lim at 11:05 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I am tagged by dearest Huiting =.=
Starting time: 2052
Name: Joanne Lim *Biscuit*
Sisters: none
Brothers: One, a noisy one
Shoe Size: 4/ 5/ 5.5/ 6, sometimes 6.5. I don't know la, size of my feet is never constant =/
Height: One word says it all, S-H-0-R--------------T!
Where do you live: Southeast Asia - Malaysia - Penang! Lovely island :)
Favourite drinks: Fruit juice, choc, cocktail :) etc.
Favourite breakfast: Oh, bread with all kinds of Jam and of course, cereals etc.
Have you ever been on a plane? : Yes. Not a comfortable experience I vomited like hell, it made me feel sick, ooh =/
Swam in the ocean: Oh, yes, snorkeling! Going to learn scuba-diving soooooon :)
Fallen asleep at school: OF COURSE LA! Especially during Bm and Bi lesson x)
Broken someone's heart: Yes you know who you are =/
Fell off your chair: YES! So what? ahhaaahaa.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Once upon a time :( ...
What is your room like: Mess, you wouldn't want to see it
What's right beside you: Probably a ghost, or my ancestors looking at my blog? who knows =/
What is the last thing you ate : Spaghetti, cooked by mom (spaghetti sauce + anchovies + sardin + hotdog + some unknown meat = ? ) that's my dinner man! :)
Ever had chicken pox: Never, so far. and I don't wanna get infected, shoo.
Sore throat: Frequently, it's just like my old friend. Long no see >.<
Stitches: Sooner or later... will experience it =/
Broken nose: Walau, no way. Ain't wanna get marred by scars. My pretty face ahahaahaa
Do you believe in love at first sight: Um, I doubt this kind of love.
Like picnics? : Depends on who I am going with and where's the location :) Leng zais are most welcome la of course!
Who was, were the last person you danced with: Guides eh siao-la-laS (closest pals) :)
Last made you smile: Jin Xin's latest post
You last yelled at: Bro, he switched on the fluorescent light when I was in the middle of my sweet sweet dreams =.=
Kissed anyone: Yes feels good :)
Get sick: I guess I'm going to..
Miss someone: Um, not just SOMEONE. Miss a lot of people. Yes, you're one of them.
Eat: Don't eat food that I don't like :) esp durian, jackfruit, cempedak. eeuw!
Best feeling in the world: Being loved
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Honestly, yes. Teddy? :P
What's under your bed: Dust, some useless things. Pray that nothing scary lies down there =/
Who do you really hate: so-called Pisa Tower,OCY
What time is it now? : 2115
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. Spending time in idleness and stupidness.
2. Messaging. *new message* *scream!* then, replied msg. After that, same thing happened again. *reply message* *reply message*------------ *fall asleep with phone in my hand*
3. Enjoying life wherever I traveled to, and taking pictures so that it's easy for me to picture everything happening again when I am 80++ old.
4. Crying for some silly things.
5. Working hard when examinations were around the corner.
5 things on my to-do list today:
1. Interpret the goddamn project
2. Play one or two rounds of online chess to scratch the rust :)
3. Watch hokkien dramas together with my grandparents
4. Sms *to the sick little boy, take care k? :)*
5. Sneak off to the beach to see stars and dolphins but it's impossible =/
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Pringles
2. Whatever brand of choc biscuit :)
3. Ferrero Rocher
4. Mini donuts with lots lots sugar/ choco topped
5. Kit Kat! Have a rest, have a kit kat.
*did you know, I juuuuustt lurv choc :) *
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Donate some to charity.
2. Get myself a car *BMW / Smart*, or any car that can withstand strong crash cause I will definitely speed on the road :)
3. Present it to my family.
4. Create a time machine to go back to my past or take me to the future in an eyewink
5. Buy a super-dooper luxurious house *condo/ landed* with exclusive features *ultimate sea view, super big pool, gym with complete facilities, beach?* hahahhaaha. And I'll design my house with the most marvellous designs!
5 of my bad habits:
1. Emotional !!!
2. Weasel out when something that I'm involved meets the hardship
3. Languid when I'm not focus
4. Believe in this proverb: you will cross the bridge when you get to it. Yes and it always gets me into troubles =/ *lengan²*
5. Fail to be concerned bout other's feelings =/
5 places I have lived/stayed a night in:
1. Home
2. Preserved jungles in Perak, Perlis and Negeri Sembilan
3. Huiting's messy room and HooiImm's room x)
4. Some hotels
5. Girl guide headquarter, and school.
5 things I will do after complete what im busy with:
1. Sleep
2. Sleep
3. Sleep
4. Anything that I haven't finish yet. ok, talk tomorrow :)
5. Switch off the light, whisper to my bolster, cover my blanket, imagine bout something, anything :)
Zhi Hao
Zi Wei after exam?
Gavin after Pmr? =/
Ming Xun if you're free? Anything la :)
All in all,
You are tagged!
Posted by Joanne Lim at 8:51 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
An Interview
What a new experience :)
pit-a-pat pit-a-pat
What a nice background music
that came out from my body
Yes, I was so nervous and uneasy
5 teachers against a little girl
5 against 1
I'm glad that I am still alive :)
and you know what, I PROMISED Ms Chia that
I'll go to tuition for addmaths :P
Posted by Joanne Lim at 5:27 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I'm just too bored.
Haih :)
So many things I wanted to say in the past few days
but I didn't get the chance to update.
The very first thing I'd like to share is,
I don't know whether it's a great news not,
I'm gonna have an interview on Monday.
Yes it gave me a sleepless night =.=
I ain't hoping to get the head,
what I'm aiming is actually the deputy post.
Honestly.. I understand
I'm not the perfect candidate for the head
cause seriously I'm involved in too many activities and..
Next year I'll be dead la in the first few months.
And btw,
Credits to Sau Fei and Ming Xun
for their excellent ideas :)
NEXT! Slowly slowly...
Final EXAMINATION is approaching slowly.
Slowly, slowly. Without any hints, without any sound.
*Slaps face*
Well, I'm still living in my own world,
hoping that exam does not exist.
And I realized that msn is pretty boring sometimes,
if the one you always talk to is off line
then it's meaningless to stay online any longer.
Wei, I am bored la!
Just received a message from a siao-kia

here's the content:
你要怎样? 哈哈
Anyway I replied him,
it doesn't mean I want to marry him kay' =/
The bride should be somebody else.
If you're reading this post,
I know you know what I mean :)
two different people who live in two different world,
come across at the same point..

xD *goosebumps*
I guess..
there's still a long, long journey
till I meet my gorgeous HIM
Posted by Joanne Lim at 10:20 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Look here! :)
Ming Xun :)
Yes, YOU!
Today is a special day, don't you remember? :)
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Posted by Joanne Lim at 10:59 PM 0 comments