A camp was organized at Phei Shin primary school, and we, as Union High School Girl Guides, were asked to help out in the camp. At first, I thought of saying a NO to Jintheng cause I guessed I should take a break. But, I felt lucky to be there. The kids there were active, and very talkative also :D The crowd consisted of 2 standards, but the number of pupils was just half of a standard in union primary, nevertheless, it didn't matter.
I played the role of a frog in the treasure hunt, and I loved my costume! I thought it was cool :D but finally, the treasure hunt was forced to cancel and had to switch to station games cause the children took the clues of different groups that were hidden at all over the place, didn't they know how to differentiate COLORS and NUMBERS? or did we give them the wrong information =/ HOT~ and therefore, the plan was ruined. I scolded the campers, hereby I would like to apologize for my harsh tone, sorry.
The Frog Prince :D
Syok sendiri :D
I thought it was nice :D
Acting cool, but I know it didn't work. xD
Huiting, the pretty fox.
Crazy characters ;D
Ok, it was funny of a young adult still preserve traces of childishness. We had quite a lot of activities at the school. Firstly, we taught them several interesting action songs and dances to get some warming up :D Next, it was fire lighting session. We ran into confrontation with a teacher, how wish I could shoot him directly "if you are that smart then why did your school ask us to come? Not agree with us, piss off then". And I really gotta say, I loath guys with girlish acts! Disgusting.
Picture taken with MANGOSTEENS :D cheese
Most spirited team I've ever seen!Finally, it was the closing ceremony. Before that, a sketch competition was held to entertain the audience, us :D Their performances were fantastic, even better than ours. We applauded and cheered enthusiastically for their awesome sketches. The results are as following:Overall Champ: OrangeFirst Runner-Up: GrapeSecond Runner-Up: BlueberryCongratulations for all the winners, as for the rest, you guys were good, just the winners were slightly better. Goodbye cuties, and I know I am going to miss you all.
Group picture of all the helpers :D
Group picture of all the winners =)This little kids, he was able to give me a very different impression. During the sketch presentation, he played the role of CYNDI, girlfriend of Yogi Bear. He was absolutely talented and daring, damn nice wei :D
Hi, I am Cyndi.
Not as Hiao as him xDBefore leaving, Yee Phing practised to ride bike in the school compound by using my Ex5 :D Then, Ting and I went to Gurney again, for fun. They should not cancel the birthday celebration party for Khai Boon as it might be the last gathering of all the F5 and F4 chess freaks before Spm. Wandering in the mall, finally we decided to spend quality time at Food Loft. It was lucky enough to meet with Thong and Arvind there. So, we crapped and joked for an hour without noticing that we had made so much noise in such high-class restaurant :D I went back at exactly 8.40pm. EXHAUSTED.
Helpers group photo, with the headmistress
Last picture before going back :D
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