The award is just 6 months away from me, if everything goes on successfully. TENSED UP! Need strong tenacity, it's no easy task. BAKP, 3 months service, the last will be our BSS, we're reaching to BAKP in 2 weeks time! Struggle struggle struggle.. Shouldn't it be a good news 0.0
And darn. I lost my pendrive, which means 4Gb storage of pictures are gone just like that, sounds absurd! I lost all my pictures TT gotta recollect them in *gossssh*
Darn again. My phone is S.P.O.I.L.E.D Yes, you're right, the one which dropped into the sea before because of a stupid who tried to snap picture while legs were still standing in the seawater. From that day onwards, it became abnormal. No picture taking function anymore, the background of the phone changed color itself, it even showed black screen when the phone was still on, lol? I need my phone back la wei!

Happy Old Man Birthday!

*Yawn!* Gotta back to sleep.
Good night everyone.
Well, gambateh on everything though!
Geez.. Thanks Joanne..
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