Annual Sports Day, as usual, it was held at PKSW which located just right behind Union Primary.
All uniform bodies including the board of prefects were required to march over and salute those important people. Well, that'd be the official opening of our annual sports day 2009.. x)
Main course of the day - all those running events and competitions.
Busybees were all over the place doing random stuffs. I was told to patrol the area and yet I ended up snatching a moment of leisure at the VIP's canopy (: I helped a lot in clearing the food, by the way.
Yanji on duty.
Blue house took away the overall champ trophy again. Woo.
The Kadet Pertahanan Awam looks like guys..
what? haha. you want kena whacked ar? x)
Why dont have band photos?
ok. i have =)
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