School days are normal,
sit eat sleep talk crap.
sit eat sleep talk crap.

In the first semester, we've studied about the heat of combustion between two alcohols. And, according to our education policy, students are required to do a couple of practical experiments whereby the marks given will be counted in our *fatal* SPM examination.
So months months months ago, we did a peka experiment on the heat of combustion between butanol and ethanol. The weather of the day was windy and rainy, so it affected our room temperature causing more heat loss into the surrounding. Practically, the wind shields didn't help much to avoid that.

I took the oppotunity to walk around in the laboratory and mess up with other groups' set-up of appraratus. The students-are-not-allowed-to-walk-around-in-the-lab regulation was set knowing that students would deliberately violate it XD
Finally when the experiment was done., it was funny that every group submitted completely different calculations and furthermore none of our answers matched the ones given by the teacher lol.

Practical experiment is sort of like an emphasis, like I must acquire a clear figure on the things I learn only then can I absorb the theory. So, I like experiments.

Maybe I should call it as Kimia esperimen.
shit! I don't even know how to spell experiment in malay!
shit! I don't even know how to spell experiment in malay!
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