Yesh, we just finished our BAKP bloody test, yesh! The first day was d worst camping day I ever had - d worst gadgets I ever built, d most disgusting food i ever cooked, d lousiest presentation I ever made, lol. We were asked to make a short presentation about our schedule for upcoming 3 months service project to a big big national guider, geezx it was indeed a frightening experience.
The second day wasn't so good if compared to our PCP performance =/ kinda disappointing. We failed our sesi kepanduan and wide game, gotta redo in theory form. Never mind, back to our masakan luar =) Joanne can cook, lol.
I was able to cook something quite standard, la. At least no people complained, la =) Yesh, passed!
That night was the most enjoyable and successful night =) though our preparation wasn't so good. ISH, my camera was out of battery, so I didn't get to take any picture for campfire night, ISH ISH ISH. We made a theme for it - it was an early Christmas night =) !
The third day was bad. A lot of cleaning and clearing to do, I didn't like =) Finally, we reached our closing ceremony, the end of camp, the end of getting tortured and suffered and the beginning of laxation =)

Camp staffs + testers vs candidates =D
Thanks to all the camp staff especially Ms Ong Weei Jiuan for helping us from the very beginning until the very last moment in the camp, we appreciate it a lot a lot! Lucky to have a teacher advisor like you =D
Thanks to all the helpers especially Jintheng and ShiEe for your effort.
Thanks to all my members - Chun Yee! Yu Ting! Ming Li! Adrienne! Wan Chuin! Without your help throughout the whole camp I'd be nothing. Thank you for staying together with me =D
Special thanks to our photographer Ms Loh Wan Cing. Cool la you =D
sorry 4 juz bringing u 1 tin ya..~
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