Exactly, I went to Kerachut again o.O This time, my partners were Wancing, Suquin, Xix and Sk, obviously different with chess gang. As usual, woke up early early, then cross 1/2 Penang Island, hiked up then down then up the mountain then down again to approach to the beach. Luckily! The sky was so blue so beautiful (: Was glad to be there, the effort wasn't wasted to see such breathtaking scenery.

A lot of visitors were there enjoying the smooth sunlight painting their skin. My skin was tanned badly. Photography was on the top of our to-do-list. So 5 people, 5 cameras, each enjoyed own way of taking pictures.

Ting, being buried while alive.
Experience the life of being a turtle, right huh.

Posing. Like, children's style (:

Experience the life of being a turtle, right huh.
Lau family was having a 3 days 2 nights camp there, expose themselves to the nature and of course to boost Huiting's orang-utan-potential. Her dad cooked them lunch, really a good chef. Thanks for the cuisine, it was really awesome. Fortunately, we were able to board a boat. It was like sitting on a roller coaster as the waves were pretty strong. I was strong too, at least I tried not to vomit (:
Honestly, I can't cook.
Uncle said that duck meat and taro are perfect match,
maybe I can try it sometime.

Uncle said that duck meat and taro are perfect match,
maybe I can try it sometime.
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