Saturday, December 13, 2008

Simple day

Yay, Twilight! Just bought the book with 20% member rebate, so great. The book and the movie are slightly different. But both are good, impressive. Edward Cullen, here I come :) ! Hope to finish reading the book within this week cause I'm eager for New Moon.

Today was the first day of Penang Chess League. Chess seemed to be a little unusual strange to me as it's been a long time since I last participated in such big event. Things were pretty good for today, at least everybody enjoyed fighting in silence. Felt unpleasant knowing that my walkman phone wasn't around, then I couldn't listen to Twilight soundtracks to ease my tension. Anything related to Twilight has already become a need to me. Madness.

Well, PS Lim forgot to bring his own personal camera, so he used mine to take photos and upload them onto for blogging purpose. Yeah, he was absurdly cute. Imagine a big guy handling a pink little Nikon walking around in the crowd. Long time didn't see, he was still so popular among the kids, well known as a superstar-coach, hehe.

Unknown-green-batik-guy with a foreign GM.

The people.

The people again.

This pic is no ordinary, cause I'm in it !
Blur and sleepy look of mine lol.

Boring opening speech, as usual.

Being serious. Funny huh.
I was disastrously defeated in the game =/

Poay Sim the coach. Nice guy :)

Euhong the pro.

Sanjeevwa the hero !
He purposely posed like this.

Huiting and ex president of UCC.
Still so close, still so friend :)

My first round in the tournament wasn't satisfying. I won in that round, though. I should have checkmated her in the very beginning. But disappointedly I was like a coward, played slow and steady moves instead of quick attack to assure that 1 point for my team. The next 2 rounds were disasters, spelled failure. Slaughtered by pro adults. Anyway, all the best to everyone, especially Union x. Go go all the way, k-i-l-l (hopefully).

3 rounds of chess a day can kill, seriously. Will blog about Thong's partay soon. Good night everyone. Btw, something goes terribly wrong with my internet connection argh !


Anonymous said...

how's the result?? awful?? XP